Things to Know Before Trekking in Nepal during the COVID-19 Pandemic!

  • Taralal Dharel ( Hari )
  • 1301

Let's are real, Make the impossible!!

Due to the sudden outbreak of coronavirus in worldwide, every country is struggling and praying for their safety. Though it's not the right time to enjoy the adventure trek, this virus will end one day and we will be back to our normal lives.

So planning to enjoy the adventure trek in Nepal will be worthy!

As the country, one by one start to return to the normal life people are trying to get back to their normal life especially those who are adventure and nature lover.

After spending many months confined to their house as trapped between the four walls, having the boring quarantine life so to get the fresh air, there has been a significant rise in the number of the hikers and trekkers. With the arrival of the new year, warm weather, the number of adventure lovers has been increased by double.

Not only being in nature but also you will have a bit of relief from all the stress and grim of the atmosphere at home but also help you to enjoy the active energy.

However, before going to the adventure trek, there are certain things you should know and consider for not being contracted with this virus.

You should know some public spaces and services:

  • Many shops will serve customers wearing a face shield and some form of the face masks and only offer you the takeaway facilities. Shop opening may be varied by the location and by the time too.
  • Walking in public places you should maintain the social distancing and wear masks and band to be on the large gathering.
  • Don't expect the entertainment centres such as cinema halls, dance bar, spas, beauty parlour, salons, summing clubs, zoo, museum, libraries to open as they will remain closed for a certain time until the next notice.

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You also should know some safety protocols for doing the adventure trek in Nepal:

  • As you gonna have an adventurous trekking journey but you should not neglect your safety protocols, so here we have listed a few of them you should be careful about:
  • Always carry some few disposable masks while trekking with us (Nepal Hiking Trek).
  • While trekking if you discover the symptoms of any illness then please inform to your guide so that they can give you the immediate treatment.
  • Go through the all travel insurance and medical document process for your safety.
  • Always carry your sanitizer with you.
  • Avoid sharing your things, using the common goods and well as toilet accessories during the trek.
  • Always ask your guide to check your health if you feel difficult.
  • Avoid sharing your spoon and other utensils with your friends.
  • Maintain social distance with your team members.
  • Try not to participate in any big festival or group of the locals.

Checklist: Before the Adventure Trek

Before going to the Trekking, you must have to recall your backpacks, should pack all the necessary accessories so that you don't have to face any problems afterwards. So to remind you of some necessary accessories here we have listed them:


Carry your trekking map and compass, have your GPS not only for your safety but also reduce your dependency on others, make your stress free, solo trekkers and also help you in many other aspects.


In any cost if you forget your route or get lost, then the means of the contract will help to alert the authorities, so always remember to charge your electronic devices and also carry the extra battery if in case needed.

Nutrition and Hydration

Before heading to the trek, make sure to pack the nutrition foods and chocolate bar to give you with the extra energy to hike and also carry a water bottles as you will lose the lots of energy while having the mountaineering walk.

Sun protection

Always carry sun protection cream (both UVA and UVB protection) in your backpack, because the rays of the sunlight in the high altitude is vast for the skin and also remember to carry hats, scarf and sunglasses too.


Lights are listed in the most needed necessaries while hiking because sometimes you may reach to your destination in the dusk time so always carry flashlight or headlamp in your backpack.

First Aids

When it comes to your healthy health, you will never know when will be the emergency so first aid is the emergency service you will get so always remember to carry your own first Aids kit including Band-Aids, Gauze pads, antiseptic sanitizing wipes, antibacterial ointment, pain killer and allergy mediation should be included.

Emergency supplies

Here emergency supplies include match stick to light a fire to warm up and also for easier relocation.

Other accessories

During the packing of your stuff, make sure to put some extra set of the clothes, a quality bottle of hand sanitizer, disposable masks and gloves.

Checklist: During the Adventure Trek

Here are some tips for your safety that you should know and consider while trekking in Nepal during this pandemic.

Always choose the less travelled trekking route

Avoiding the trek to the very popular trekking route like Everest Base Camp Trek, Annapurna Base Camp Trek, Langtang Region Trek and few others so that you can have the peace and beautiful journey considering with your health safety.

If you chose to trek in the popular trek then please always have the back-up plan so that you can use if needed.

Maintain Social Distancing

Give some spaces while trekking. Always maintain social distancing. If the hikers are coming in your paths, then remember to maintain some distancing with them, keep out of each other's ways, adopt Namaste as greeting then shacking your hands.

Have a short and sweet trek

Make your adventure trek very short and sweet, it's better to enjoy the surrounding and inside view than going to the deep to the forest, avoid the hourlong walk to reach your destination so plan to trek the short and sweet trek in Nepal like Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek, Mustang Jomsom Trek.

Try to go alone

During this pandemic, it's better to enjoy the solo trek then going in the group to reduce the spread of the virus. You will also have an option to go with your household members, then with the strangers in Nepal.

Remember to pack all things

Make sure to carry each and everything necessary during the trek because you may not find those things in the trekking route, do the frequent check of your bag packs.

Do frequent washing

As it is not possible for the frequent washing your hands with the soup but you can do while having the snacks and meal in the hotel or tea house and also remember to carry some bottle of sanitizer and use it after touching any things while trekking.

Note: don't throw your garbage like( masks, gloves, snacks wrappers, chocolate wrappers, water bottles and so on) in nature. Remember to dispose of it.

Final saying:

Remember to pack also your necessary accessories and consider the things we have discussed above other then this Nepal Hiking trek will help you to pack your goods, help you to get the required documents, and make your adventure short and sweet with the lifetime experience in very reasonable prices.

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