Top 10 Steps to Find the Best Trekking Agencies in Nepal

  • Taralal Dharel ( Hari )
  • 1520

The vacation season which is fast approaching and, you must be searching travelling destination and agencies to visit and explore the new places, spend your time in the happy and beautiful environment with the quality of the time visit many of you decide to do trekking in Nepal. if you planned to visit Nepal in you vacation days, one of much questing swirling in your mind as " which trekking and a travelling agency should I choose so that I can enjoy the days and moment." But it is quite difficult to choose the best trekking agency. Because there are more than 1000 trekking agencies in Nepal but what you need is nothing less than the best trekking company in Nepal. Among these many travelling and trekking agency, not all are the best at what they do.
And the choice of trekking agency is a critical decision as to the entire trekking experience depends on the travel agency that you choose, their management and the guide they provide.
Some criteria need to be fulfilled by the company to be called the best trekking company in Nepal. To help you to choose the best trekking agency in Nepal, we have listed down some helpful tips to help you to make the best decision.

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Know what is your real wants and expects

Before looking for the travel agencies to enjoy the adventure trek with, you need to know what you expect from them and your real wants.
depending on your physical fitness level, You choice may include your budgets, the level of your comfort, the types of the hotel you want to rest and, the city you want to live during the holidays and also the level of the fitness, languages of the guide and the number of the days you plan for the trek on the basis of your vacations. Or you may also wish to involve in the charity/philanthropic activities while on your adventure trek.
Deciding what is your real wants and what you wish to avoid the trek is the important things to prior while choosing the trekking agency.
If you feel confused of don't know which trek to choose then read the top 10 best treks in Nepal. This article may lead you to choose the best trek that may fit all your requirements.

Government Authorized, Registration, and Licenses gained travel agency

It is very important for you to know if your trekking agency is authorized with the licenses and registration. Every trekking and travelling agencies require the registration with the Nepal Government, Nepal Tourism Board and Trekking Agencies Association of Nepal to run smooth and conduct their services. Investigate if your trekking agency has a valid license and has authority to conduct trekking activities or not.
Some companies might have an old registration certificate and some might even be banned from conducting the trekking or tourism-related activities, so proper investigation should be required to run you adventure trek smoothly.
If the trekking agency offers climbing, then it is very important for them to register in the Nepal Mountaineering Association (NMA). You can check the list of the trekking agencies registered in TAAN by visiting TAAN's website.
You can also check for the valid registration documents in the agencies' website and if unavailable, you can ask for the proper legal document as proof of the company's official recognition as the trekking agency.

Cost, services and Facilities

Though the trekking route, the mountains and their views of the trek are very similar, the prices between the agency are varied because of the services and facilities provided by the company. Do not go searching for the cheapest cost or do not be fooled by the cheaper prices for the trek as the cheapest may not always give you the best values for the money as the cheaper priced agencies mostly lack the well-equipped equipment and latest trekking gear and the standard that follow may also be the below par.
To find a very reasonable price it is necessary to match your needs with the facilities provided by the agency,
Almost every agency provides pick-up and drops service in the airport as well as while trekking, good accommodation throughout the trek with the responsible guide and porter.
The cost of the trek differs as if you choose the good package of the trek and select the policies that cover rescue operation in the case of emergency, it demands higher prices compared to the other.
Find the best companies that provide the best value of the money they charge. To compare the cost with the relation and the services they provide and then choose the trekking company.

Experience of the company in the trekking field.

The number of the years that a trekking company spend in this filed and in the services which help to determine their services and experience. The longer time a company spends time on the trekker's services, the high is the chance to experience the better services they provide. The best way to select the best option among the existing trekking agencies is the experience level of the agencies in the trekking field which pay an important role.
As they grow mature, they provide the best services with time. The experience and the longevity of the services of an agency provide the best of the services the high cost. So look for the well-established company with a quite a long history in the trekking field.
To know and learn about the quality of their services, you can check out their agency's reviews and recommendations. Besides some new trekking agencies opened by the experienced guide can also provide you with the best services and also be a good option to choose.

Trekking Agencies and their guide

Your trekking guide is the most important person that shape your trekking experience. Any guide or any shortcomings in the experience of the guide can spoil your trek experience. And you also you can hear some trekkers reporting that they had to be rescued in a helicopter during the trek because they lost their way and were in a near-death situation. So make sure that the agency you chose provides you with a guide with guide certificates and trekking experience as it assures about your guides training and expertise to assist you.
And also check whether your guides have the insurance and proper gear because it is the must necessary while going for trekking in the remote places as if the guide is ill, sick or injured, the entire trek halts. So choose the company that give more priorities for the safety of their guides and the member of their staff. Some trekking agencies also provide a guide who speak other than English. If you look for agencies with the multi-languages guides, you will be in benefit. These guides speak languages you are comfortable.

Client reviews and testimonials

The testimonials on the website may give you a basic idea about their business and their strength. Some of the testimonials include the client's email address, which you can use to get more information on the agency's services.
The websites like trip advisor may be the best way to get reviews of the various travel agencies and their services to know more about the trekking agencies that you are planning to choose.

Safety and standard of the agencies

Although the trekking in Nepal can be strenuous and challenging, it is generally not a dangerous activity but it can be a bit risky if you do not consider the necessary precaution of the time before, after and while trekking in the Himalayan region.
Travelling in a remote region with the remote people, tourist considers safety as a primary in the deciding factor in choosing or not choosing the travel agency. It is not difficult to trek but it can be seriously dangerous if proper equipment, gear and precaution are not take in time.
To be in the list of the best trekking company in Nepal, one must make the safety of its client which is the most important priority during the trek. you must regard as few points which will help you to recognize a company with best services and with genuine responsibilities:

  • Make sure that your guide is well trained in the First Aid procedures and always carry first aid kits. They should have enough knowledge for how to cope with the conditions of the mountain, rescues in the emergency situation.
  • Ensure whether the trekking company take the portable altitude chamber on the trek in the high altitude above the 3000metrs for the safety of the trekkers.
  • Make sure the trekking company or the guide carry Oxy-meter devices to check heartbeats and the level of oxygen in the blood to know whether the symptom of the altitude sickness is seen to the visitors or not.
  • Carry the satellite phone, to communicate with the office to be updated on the trek situation.
  • Carry the oxygen and first aid kits and many others which are very necessary for the adventure trek in Nepal.

Apart from the safety, Hygiene is also an important aspect that creates a huge impact during the adventure trekking in the Himalayan region, in Nepal so make sure the company maintains hygiene standard especially during the camping trek and also, check whether the company provides the information on the hygiene standard policy during the trek.
Therefore, while selecting the trekking agency, one should check whether the company gives the important in safety, hygiene and values your life more the money or not.

Interview with your guide

Are you still thinking or confused about which travel agency to choose for your adventure treks?
In that case, you can even make a personal interview with the various guide from the different travel agencies. It is will help you to find the best and which of them are likely to meet your trekking expectations. You can also decide after making the interviews who matches your personality to assist you in the adventure trip.
A professional guide is very important people while you trek as you adventure the trek depends on the professional guide to make it exciting and beautiful, and your trekking experience depends on their knowledge and the level of comfort with them.
It is quite a god to know the guide's communication skilled. His/her years of experience and personality type before you set up on the weeks-long adventure journey with them.

Send an Inquiry email, call and social media pages

It is always good to send an Inquiry email to many trekking companies and know more about the facilities. Clarity on the services and other facilities provided by a trekking company can be received through the personal investigations. Inquiry can be made through the calls, email and trekking agencies social medial pages.
The direct two-way communication can help you to know about the facilities and services that they provide and also their response will help you to clear your doubts and know about their work ethics.

Sustainable trekking

Usually, the adventure trek in Nepal takes place in the Himalayan, conservation areas and reserved forest and the restricted areas. The trekking company should take serious consideration on the environment, local's cultural and social ethnic. While choosing the company make sure that the trekking agency you choose take the initiative on "leave on trace" strategy to protect the environment and its biodiversity, respect the local, culture, traditions and their rules.

Also, select those trekking company where they operate trekking activities in a sustainable and responsible manner.

Before choosing the trekking company try to understand their participations and their seriousness about the environment, social, cultural and economic aspects.

Make sure the trekking company involve and aware to reduce the impact on the environment through the waster release reduction and management, energy efficiency and information dissemination on sustainable practices among the clients.

Apart from this, make sure the trekking company looks after their staffs very well. This the initial step to making a trek sustainable. Ensure the company comply with the following porter and guide welfare policy.

  • First aid training for guide
  • Allow porter to carry load according to their physical abilities and strength and weight restriction of carrying no more than 30 kg of the bags or luggage.
  • Make sure than the travel agency you want to book your trip doesn't employ the child under the 18 year as a porter.
  • The guide and porter should be well-managed about the conserving the environment. In this way, they can help you to guide as well as to conserve the nature and local environment.
  • You should know to throw wastes such as empty water bottle, cans, plastics, rubber, glass and other non-bio degradable goods should be prohibited.

All these environment safety guidelines should be shared with both guide, porters and your client or trekkers by the trekking agency. Overall this will help to conserve the natural resources of the locals and make the environment fresh and beautiful.

The sustainability should also be prioritized to make certain that the locals aren't just being exploited for their natural attraction but also for the locals culture and tradition so ensure that the company you're booked strongly support the lodge and restaurants operates by the local's culture and tradition which is the part of the sustainable tourism after the natural environment also check the company client to purchase their local product so that you can investigate many more things related to this from their website.

You can also enquire directly with the trekking agency if they have involved reducing the impact on the environment during the trekking, for example, collecting of garbage, know how the company encourages their client and prospective to involve in the environmental program and activities during the adventure trips.

Therefore being a responsible trekker or the client one should search for the companies dedicated in the protection of the environment and their work to promote the sustainable trek as the major component on the trek. it is also your job to make the proper investigation about the trekking agencies to ensure that you are enjoying the safe trekking with the trustworthy trekking agencies i.e Nepal Hiking Trek

Follow the above-mentioned point and step and narrow down your list of client. The above-listed points will surely guide you to find the best trekking agency in Nepal that will make your trip more exciting, experience, memorable and enjoyable. Do you have a plan to come to Nepal email us:  [email protected] 

Send an Enquiry - Top 10 Steps to Find the Best Trekking Agencies in Nepal